Weeknd - Crew Love - Testi - TrovaCd

Weeknd - Crew Love

I wanna know if I sold out this SoFi tonight
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh, let's go

Take your nose off my keyboard
What you bothering me for
There's a room full of ****
What you following me for
This ain't no **** sing-along, baby
So, girl, what you singin' for
It's 'cause we blowing like a C4
Twenty, get the bar rolling
Fake ID's in the trash, weed blowin'
Straight to the top, rooftop glows
With a hand full of girls and they all so foreign
Brain so poisoned, rainbows flowin'
Light-skinned chick, first flight from Poland
A whole lotta friends, first flight from Los Angeles

(They loving the crew)
They what
(Lovin' the crew, they loving the crew)
Oh, they lovin' the crew
Oh, they lovin' the crew, they loving the crew
They loving the crew
They loving the crew, oh, woah

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(rsd 2024 - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
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